
When is Goku Black Coming to Fortnite? Everything You Need to Know


Fortnite, the globally popular battle royale game, has captivated fans with its diverse crossover events. From Marvel superheroes to iconic movie characters, Fortnite’s collaborations keep players excited. Recently, rumors about Goku Black from Dragon Ball Z joining Fortnite have stirred the community. So, when is Goku Black coming to Fortnite? Let’s dive into the details and explore the speculation, predictions, and potential release dates.

The Excitement Around Goku Black in Fortnite

When is Goku Black coming to Fortnite? This question has been trending among Fortnite enthusiasts and Dragon Ball Z fans alike. The possibility of playing as this iconic villain in Fortnite has generated immense excitement, driving discussions across social media platforms.

Past Collaborations: Setting the Stage

To understand when Goku Black is coming to Fortnite, it’s essential to look at Fortnite’s history of collaborations. From the Avengers to Star Wars, Fortnite has successfully integrated various universes into its gameplay. Given Dragon Ball Z’s massive fanbase, adding Goku Black seems like a natural progression.

The Dragon Ball Z Universe in Fortnite

Fortnite has previously introduced Dragon Ball Z characters, creating a precedent for future additions. When Goku Black comes to Fortnite, he will join the ranks of characters like Goku and Vegeta, further enriching the game’s roster and providing fans with more immersive experiences.

Official Announcements: What We Know So Far

As of now, there has been no official announcement about when Goku Black is coming to Fortnite. Epic Games, the developer of Fortnite, often keeps such details under wraps until the last moment. However, the company’s track record suggests that an official reveal could be imminent.

Fan Theories and Speculations

The Fortnite community is buzzing with theories about when Goku Black is coming to Fortnite. Some fans speculate that his arrival could coincide with a major game update or event, similar to previous high-profile character releases. Others believe that hints have been subtly dropped in the game’s updates.

Potential Release Dates

While no official release date has been confirmed, players are eager to predict when Goku Black is coming to Fortnite. Speculations range from the next season’s launch to a special event celebrating Dragon Ball Z. Keeping an eye on Fortnite’s update schedule could provide more clues.

What to Expect: Gameplay and Features

When Goku Black comes to Fortnite, players can expect unique gameplay features. Considering his abilities in Dragon Ball Z, Goku Black might bring new powers or weapons to Fortnite, enhancing the gameplay experience. Fans are particularly excited about his iconic moves and how they will translate into Fortnite’s mechanics.

Community Reactions and Hype

The anticipation of when Goku Black is coming to Fortnite has led to widespread excitement within the community. Social media platforms, forums, and gaming communities are abuzz with discussions and fan art, showcasing the high level of interest and enthusiasm for this potential crossover.

Impact on Fortnite’s Popularity

The introduction of Goku Black to Fortnite is expected to significantly boost the game’s popularity. When Goku Black comes to Fortnite, it will likely attract a new wave of players, particularly Dragon Ball Z fans who may not have previously engaged with Fortnite. This crossover could be a game-changer for both franchises.

Preparing for Goku Black’s Arrival

While waiting for the official news on when Goku Black is coming to Fortnite, players can prepare by staying updated with Fortnite’s announcements and participating in related events. Engaging with the community and exploring fan theories can also enhance the anticipation and excitement.


The question of when Goku Black is coming to Fortnite remains unanswered, but the speculation and excitement continue to grow. With Fortnite’s history of successful crossovers and the immense popularity of Dragon Ball Z, the arrival of Goku Black seems highly probable. Until an official announcement is made, fans can only speculate and prepare for what promises to be an exciting addition to the game.


  • Q: Has there been an official announcement about Goku Black coming to Fortnite?

A: As of now, there has been no official announcement regarding when Goku Black is coming to Fortnite.

  • Q: What previous Dragon Ball Z characters have been introduced to Fortnite?

A: Characters like Goku and Vegeta have already been introduced to Fortnite, setting a precedent for future additions like Goku Black.

  • Q: How do fans speculate about the release date?

A: Fans speculate that Goku Black’s arrival might coincide with major game updates or events, similar to previous high-profile character releases.

  • Q: What new features can players expect with Goku Black?

A: Players can expect unique gameplay features, possibly including new powers or weapons inspired by Goku Black’s abilities in Dragon Ball Z.

  • Q: How can players stay updated on the latest news about Goku Black in Fortnite?

A: Players can stay updated by following Fortnite’s official announcements, participating in community discussions, and keeping an eye on update schedules

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